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POWERful Woman of the Month | Darlene Santana


By: Fidelity Bank

POWERful Woman of the Month | Darlene Santana

Darlene D. Santana is the Executive Director for Metro Centers for Community Advocacy and Fidelity Bank's POWERful Woman of the Month. Metro Centers for Community Advocacy is a nonprofit organization that provides free and confidential services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.


What were the biggest obstacles and how were they overcome?
Working in the nonprofit sector, funding is always a challenge. Networking on strategic planning are integral in maintaining stable funding for agency operations. 

What is the best advice you ever received?
Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career. 

What success have you had in the last year?
Getting back into the community in person to meet people and network. Successfully providing services and resources to the families we serve.

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