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Postmates is the food delivery, grocery delivery, whatever-you-can-think-of delivery app to bring what you crave right to your door. Order from over 600,000 restaurants and stores across 4,200+ cities

Who they are?

  • Postmates is a leading and growing on-demand delivery service
    • Top merchants include a hybrid of local/regional favorites + national QSRs
  • Winner of Harris’ “Best Brands of 2020: Food Delivery” (DoorDash #2, UberEats #3, Grubhub #4)1

Where they are?

  • Postmates is located in 4,200+ cities in all 50 states

The new Postmates benefit is currently scheduled to be live as a Visa-funded benefit across all Visa consumer credit platforms effective January 2021*

Benefit Details

Postmates Unlimited membership:
  • Postmates’ subscription membership is currently valued at $99.99/year or $9.99/month
  • Benefits currently include free delivery with minimum basket/order sizes which vary by market, reduced fees, dedicated 24/7/365 customer care support, and exclusive access to discounts, giveaways, concerts, and events
Priority Delivery:
  • Postmates’ fee-based expedited delivery feature
  • With Postmates Priority Delivery, you’ll be able to skip the virtual line and get your orders delivered by a guaranteed time. This feature is available in-app only and for select merchants
  • Issuers: No action or opt-in is required
  • Cardholders: The benefit will be fulfilled through Postmates’ native app and website. Eligible card on file activation is required with additional enrollment/opt-in required for the Postmates Unlimited membership program. Additional details regarding the UX will be shared as they become available.

Benefits by Platform

Visa Infinite
  • N/A
Visa Signature / Signature Preferred
  • N/A
Visa Traditional / Traditional Rewards
  • Complimentary $100 free delivery credit for first 3 months (up to $100 in value)

  • 1.5x rewards points earn (upon Postmates loyalty program launch, date TBD)**

Issuer “Plus-up” Opportunities***
  • Norton

1- Harris/Equifax “Best Brands of 2020” (April 2020)

*Confirmation of the live date will be provided as we get closer to the launch
**Loyalty program in development and not yet launched. Timing is subject to change.
***It may be possible for issuers to launch the Postmates benefit in advance of the January 2021 launch date. Additionally, opportunities may exist for issuers to market the new benefit with Postmates. More details will be communicated as they become available.

Norton LifeLock

NortonLifeLock Inc. is a global leader in consumer cyber safety dedicated to helping secure devices, identities, online privacy, and home and family needs of nearly 50 million consumers

Device Security Identity Theft Protection Online Privacy Home & Family
Multi-layered, advanced security helps protect your devices and information from online threats like viruses, malware, and phishing. We monitor for threats to your identity and provide restoration services to help if you have an identity theft issue Virtual private networking helps protect your privacy when information is being sent or received over Wi-Fi, wired, or mobile connections, We help families enjoy connected devices worry-free with solutions like Parental Controls.

The new Norton LifeLock benefit is currently scheduled to be live as a Visa-funded benefit across all Visa consumer credit platforms effective February 2021*

Benefit Details

  • Dark Web Monitoring – notifications when certain information is identified
  • One-Bureau Credit Monitoring – alerts for hard credit inquiries and changes to credit file
  • Case Remediation Support – dedicated, specialized Support agents to help navigate an identity situation
  • Lost Wallet Assistance – a checklist of tasks to complete when you lose a wallet with assistance from a SupportAgent to discuss and review the resources available
  • Digital dashboard – To view alerts, account management, case remediation, and management
  • Discounts on select Norton LifeLock upgrades and alternatives
  • Support via web/mobile/phone channels – web and mobile app with alerts via email and SMS, U.S. call center

Benefit Fulfillment

  • No action or opt-in required
  • Visa cardholders will first confirm their eligibility by entering their card number within a Benefit Registration Portal. Once eligibility is confirmed, the cardholder will be connected to the Norton LifeLock landing page to register for the benefit.
  • During the setup process, cardholders will provide personal information and identify data components for monitoring. For ongoing servicing, the cardholder can download a native app, use the website via a dedicated URL, and/or talk to a live agent at the U.S.-based Norton LifeLock call center.

*Confirmation of the live date will be provided as we get closer to the launch.
**More details will be communicated as they become available.

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